Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 best ways of destress

We all know that too much stress is bad for everyone and there are alot of sickness in related to stress ie. high blood pressure, obesity, cancer and etc. Find a way to relax is the piece of health advice for everyone! Healthy lifestyle starts from DESTRESS!

Here are the 10 ways you can effortlessly weave stress relief into your hectic routine, instead of talking about meditate with candle for an hour and etc.

Before your leave work - prep for tomorrow
Nothing is more stressful than being unprepared. Take a few minutes to make a to-do list and clean up before you leave. When you come in the next morning, you will have the sense that you are incontrol of the situation and can handle it.

Before you leave house - arm yourself with snacks
Some people turn to comfort food such as ice cream and cookies to ease stress. Keep some snacks on hand will help you alot.

When you have only 5 minutes - try to repeat performance
Doing almost any routine, repetitive activity or reciting a word that represents how you wish you felt is a qucik way to achieve a Zen-like state. This will lower your blood pressure, slower heart rate and breathing and decreased muscle tension. Repeating phrases with spiritual meanings helped to cope with problems. from anxiety to insomnia.

In the bathroom - wash your hand
When you are stress your will be more susceptible to cold viruses and other germs because your immune syste is surpresses. Hand washing is the best defense.

In the car - turn on some tunes
Slow music is a proven stress buster, so set your dial to a soothing station during your commute.

On the weekend errands - use the ATM
Limiting your cash withdrawals to once a week is a quick, easy way to monitor your spending habits. write everything down so you can see exactly where you stand financially. Set your goal by using real figures make you feel so much better without having stress.

At the gym - hit the pool
Floatinf in water triggers the body relaxation response and lower stress hormone.

At home in the evening - give your thumbs a rest
The increase of the blurry boundaries bewteen work and home life leave  us with less downtime than ever before. This spills over to our family life. Set a regular time your will check it in the evening so you are not constantly disrupting home life to keep tabs on work.

When you are facing a major life change - recall the past success
Taking 5 minutes to reflect on how you pulled through your stressful situations can help you to reconnect you resilient side.

Before bed - do an asana in your pajamas
A simple spinal twist can help you get a better night's sleep. Sitting on your bed with legs crossed, place your right hand down on the bed behind you and rest your left hand on the right knee. Sit up straight and inhale for 4-8 counts, lengthening your spine as you breathe. On your exhale, begin to twist toward your right hand. Hold this position for four more breaths, lenghtening your spine on the inhale and deepening your spine on the inhales and deepening your twist on the exhales. Repeat the opposite side.
For the best healthy lifestyle, destress is very important. Try this if you want to detress!

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