Monday, September 7, 2009

High blood pressure or hypertension

High blood pressure is a silent killer. Why do we say so? This is the most prevalent vascular disease as it exists for years without any warning signs until complications develop. High blood pressure is main risk factor for cardiovascular include coronary disease, stroke, artery disease, kidney disease and heart failure.

What do you understand about hypertension?

Our heart will pump blood through blood vessels, blood presses aganst the walls of the vessels and cause presuure. For those who are suffering from hypertension, the pressure is extremely high and abnormal. For the longer period, the heart work harder to pump sufficient smount of blood to all tissues of body. Eventually, this will treaten your heart, brain and kidney and caused whatsoever disease with regards to your heart.

What are the symptoms associated with hypertension?

Headache, Sweating, Rapid pulse, Shortness of breath, Dizziness, Blurred vision, Nausea, Nose bleeding, Confusion

What are the food that help to prevent hypertension?

  1. Salmon - 150g for 3 times a week
  2. Fresh fruits and vegetable – 500mg of vitamin C
  3. Coenzyme Q-10 – 100mg a day . This vitamin can be obtained from heart, liver and meat of lamb and beer, fish (fresh sardines and mackerel) and eggs. Some vegetables ie. Spinach, broccoli, peanuts, wheat germ and whole grains.
  4. Vitamin E- this vitamin can be found in cold-pressed vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, spinach, sweet potatoes and eggs.
  5. Garlic
  6. Whole grains
  7. Hawthorn
  8. Ginkgo biloba – 120mg
  9. Dairy food – 2-3 serving
  10. Berries – 100g

If you want to make a difference, change your dietary pattern, to prevent high blood pressure or hypertension!

1 comment:

  1. Quite a considerable approach towards preventing self from heart attack. One should also keep an aspirin with him all the time if he is facing a problem of heart. This might really help to thwart the severity of the heart attack or the heart stroke. This might help you survive in severe cases. Such medication should be kept handy for those who are on the threat of having a heart attack. My personal experience led me to suggest you all. Aspirin can really help you reduce the severity , as it decreases the blood pressure, and the heart beat rate making the blood density to be decreased to some extent. And for those who needs to travel more and are not able to be in the constant touch with the doctors, they should be enrolled in any of the medical facility providing online and eConsultations by the physicians. This really helps a lot. Because, generally we do feel some symptoms of pre-heart attack, but we generally ignore it. And that is the point where one makes a big mistake. So, an immediate contact with a physician can help you recognize the indications, and help you to react to it immediately. I am enrolled in one such medical facility known as prevention plus program of Elite Health. You can find more information from their website:
